Ruby - packages related to the language
RubyGems - the Ruby package manager
buildr internally uses the Ruby build program Rake which is a simple ruby build program with capabilities similar to make.
So the second time I was prepared. I metaculously went through the instructions in the ODE and buildr sites. Since the information is scattered a bit across sites, here is the exact the steps I went through for a succesful ODE build. Note that ODE branch and ODE trunk uses different versions of buildr. So both versions of buildr has to be installed first.
Important: I am using an Ubuntu box. So these steps are for an Ubuntu system.
Installing buildr
Step 1 - Installing Ruby
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full ruby1.8-dev libopenssl-ruby build-essentialStep 3 - Installing buildr
Step 2 - Installing RubyGems
$ wget
$ tar xzf rubygems-1.2.0.tgz
$ cd rubygems-1.2.0
$ sudo ruby setup.rb
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
$ sudo env JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME gem install buildr -v 1.2.10
//this version is used to build ODE branch
$ sudo env JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_HOME gem install buildr -v 1.3.2
//this version is used to build ODE trunk
Step 4 - Source checkout
Now installing buildr has been done ODE can be built from its source. To checkout ODE.
$> svn checkout ode-1.X
Trunk$> svn checkout ode-trunk
Step 5 - Build ODE
Go to the checkout directory. In this case ode-1.x in case of branch and ode-trunk in case of trunk.
Building branch
$> buildr _1.2.10_ clean install TEST=no
Building trunk
$> buildr _1.3.2_ clean install TEST=no
Generating Eclipse project files
$> buildr eclipse
Generating IDEA project files
$> buildr idea
Note: It also work even if you don't mention the buildr version in trunk build. But in the branch build version number has to be used. Otherwise you may see an error similar to this.
rake aborted!
can't activate buildr (~> 1.2.4, runtime), already activated buildr-1.3.2
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